“Being in love ” is forever 

"Being in love " is forever

“Being in love ” is forever.

Love is a very beautiful ,wonderful and divine feeling. We commonly mistake “Falling in love” with “Being in love” as the passion and attraction may feel the same. Many a times we get attracted by their personality, their aura , so also their abilities and strong morals. If things do not work out , we release them out of our life. But if we are staying in love , whatever the changes , even if we drift apart physically, the feeling still lingers and sticks with us forever.

Being in love with someone makes us want to make their life easier , even sacrifice for their benefit unlike falling in love , which lasts till attraction lasts. When you are deep in love , even when differences erupt and arguments ensue , the couple do not hold apart because they are certain of their goal to want to spend their lives together , to grow old together.

Unlike when you fall in love , when the honeymoon or rosy period ends , and incompatibility is felt , situations set them apart. While falling in love wants you to spend maximum time together , being in love is all about balancing the relationship and giving each other space , trying to ease out life and spread positivity and happiness.

Falling in love is like a roller coaster ride….you feel the high but eventually the ride has to end . Being in love , on the contrary survives the crashes and burns to sustain their relationship. When you fall in love , how you are made to feel is more important. Being in love is all about selfless love , putting other person before you , expecting nothing in return. Falling in love makes you want to label your relationship whereas being in love does not feel the need to, you are partners and retain your identity. Love crowns us but also crucifies us . Love scales up the growth in us but also turns us where required .

WHAT IS TRUE LOVE ? Love attracts our soul, Love knows to give and not to receive , The hands of love reach deep within our inner self in the domain of our heart , Love is a magnificent combination of sorrow and joy , In love , you see the unseen , you understand the vague and hear the mute .

Love is God and God is love. Love is a divine energy. We are also part of the divine energy lying within us as dormant. Love is developing intense feeling of love and concern for others. This helps to achieve higher levels of spiritual growth and closeness with the ultimate. The true meaning of love is inner purification of soul. This is the real purpose of love.

Love is nothing but inner need and the reason for feeling happiness. If we demand love from other person, we may not be able to feel it when our inner condition is filled with negative feelings. Love is an activity of thinking good about others, doing all that can be done to make others feel good and acting in a manner that other person feels comfortable. It is not something to be demanded as it cannot be preserved; and we cannot take it or feel it unless we make ourselves capable for it.

People often adore type of love which is without any argument, full of sacrifices and tolerance from the other person. One should emphasize on the emotional closeness and spiritual part of the love which is more subtle and enduring. We have to meet the need of soul to develop spiritual love for other persons which goes beyond the physical attraction. The true love requires that it ought not to be conditional. Love should flow out of compassion for other person.

While loving a person one should relate the happiness of the other person as his own, and think what best one can offer to that person. We think of giving something to others in love, it requires that we are satisfied with what we have possessed. It helps to generate love for others, if we are calm and at peace with our self . It could be offering good advice, praises, genuine sympathy or any other help that he/she need at that material time. Express feelings to a person in a way it matches with his/ her sensitivity.

Love making is a personal affair and each person would like to feel about love in a particular manner. Love demands emotional closeness through care, compassion, tolerance and understanding, Love , even if unrequited , is not burdensome . It builds the power of submission. Love is a religion to be worshipped. Love is a perfect handiwork of God .

-Bhavna Menda

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I’m Harshita Udani, founder of The Momma Clan . I am ambitious and passionate about writing and began my Writer’s Stride, to explore an unventured side. Love for reading, inclination to learn languages, and travelling to experience the different cultures of the world is my aspiration. I’m on a discovery of self with my compositions.

Featuring now, quotes by Harshita Udani on Kindle under 2021 – Series -by Drenched Thoughts, part of anthologies like Remember the Roses by The Write Order, Out & Proud by Shubharambh Publications, and more. I’m also an author on Stunning Auto for various articles and blogs. You can follow her on