Glimpses from history-: Eternal love saga

Glimpses from history-: Eternal love saga

Myna gazes from her window, looking at the vast expanse. The blue sky is scattered with kites, their tails swaying in the wind as they race against each other. The gentle breeze brings the scent of fresh air, caressing her grey hair and bringing a sense of peace to her soul. As she watches, the sound of the holy azan echoes, its melody filling her heart with warmth and gratitude.

She re-reads a few excerpts from the book and is lost in an imaginary world, trying to understand the thoughts behind the written words.

“On the grave of this poor stranger, let there be neither lamp nor rose. Let neither butterfly’s wing burn nor nightingale sing.”

How is it possible for death to erase desires, wishes, and ambitions that have been nurtured over the years? They become meaningless in the end, and all that matters is seeking divine guidance from the almighty.

Myna had a passion for reading history books. She was fascinated by the stories of kings, queens, and their dynasties, the battles for power, and the rise and fall of empires. The fragrance of history is deeply embedded in the soil, making it rich and fertile with ancient tales. Memories still linger in the rocks, bricks, and stones of monuments, temples, and tombs, while some remain buried beneath mud, unknown and untracked.

She was fascinated by a particular tale – the story of Noorjahan, the queen of the Mughal Empire. During the era of Mughal rule, women’s role was less prominent. They mostly lived behind the veil, following a life prescribed for them by the men of society. Some individuals stood out as exceptions, and Empress Noorjahan was one of them.

Noorjahan epitomized beauty, bravery, wisdom, determination, and faithfulness. She was the twentieth wife of King Jahangir, and she was his most beloved. From 1605 to 1627, the ruler oversaw growth, prosperity, stability, and religious tolerance in his kingdom. His appreciation for art and culture attracted talented musicians, poets, craftsmen, and artists. The country experienced major economic reforms that enhanced diplomatic relations and increased business opportunities with foreign nations. He improved communication by constructing roads, bridges, canals, and post boxes.

Noorjahan was an astute businesswoman who traded carpets, perfumes, jewelry, spices, and handicrafts to other nations. She stood beside the King in every settlement he made regarding governance and law. She was a kind-hearted woman who helped the poor and underprivileged. She was also a great poet, organizing recitals and poetry competitions in her court where the winners were given grants and sponsorships. King Jahangir renamed her Noor Jahan, meaning ‘Light of the World’. True to her name, she supported him in important socio-political decisions and had considerable influence during his reign.

The love that strung the king and queen was built on trust and loyalty. There were times when the king would spend days hunting, drinking, and engaging in leisure activities, while the queen took over the proceedings in the durbar. King Jahangir’s addiction to opium and alcohol made him ill and weak, causing him to fumble over his responsibilities. Queen Noorjahan reined the ropes and ruled the kingdom in the King’s absence.

 Once, while on his way to Kashmir, King Jahangir was attacked and imprisoned by his rebellious general and statesman, Mahabat Khan. Queen Noorjahan bravely fought a fierce battle to save the King’s life.

After King Jahangir’s demise, there was a disagreement over who should succeed him, resulting in disparity and uncertainty. Queen Noorjahan lived an austere life in Lahore and was kept away from political conflict until she died in 1645.

She was buried in Sahadara Bagh in Lahore, beside her husband’s tomb, symbolising eternal love.

“Love never decays, but instead spreads its fragrance for ages. It’s like those flowers placed on a tomb.”

Myna let out a sigh as she chanted the last line repeatedly.


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4 responses to “Glimpses from history-: Eternal love saga”

  1. Asif Baloch Avatar

    Love your writing style. They are so catchy, you know how to keep the reader’s attention.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. durriyalehree Avatar

    This is a lovely free flowing blog that soothes a reader’s soul. Some love stories are forever and this is one of them. Such stories give meaning to the lost meaning of love in today’s modern world. Well penned dear Nibedita. You did a great job as always.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nibedita Rajguru Avatar

      Thank you dear for reading and leaving a beautiful comment on my feeble attempt

      Liked by 1 person

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I’m Harshita Udani, founder of The Momma Clan . I am ambitious and passionate about writing and began my Writer’s Stride, to explore an unventured side. Love for reading, inclination to learn languages, and travelling to experience the different cultures of the world is my aspiration. I’m on a discovery of self with my compositions.

Featuring now, quotes by Harshita Udani on Kindle under 2021 – Series -by Drenched Thoughts, part of anthologies like Remember the Roses by The Write Order, Out & Proud by Shubharambh Publications, and more. I’m also an author on Stunning Auto for various articles and blogs. You can follow her on