Unforgotten Love

Unforgotten Love
Unforgotten Love

Let me talk about the pure form of worshiping God which is Love.

Human beings are made with bent and emotions by the Almighty on this earth…

When we are in love, we are in love with all the pure forms of emotions.

It is something that makes you feel awesome in your life and also helps you to be a better person.

But what if the love which you have saved inside your heart is going to leave you?

What if you will have to accept the things which you are not ready to???

Sometimes we are not in the mode of accepting the changes which really takes a lot of things away from us.

The love which was our ship for us, sometime later on due to some reasons it becomes something which we want to forget…

Between what is said and not meant, and what is meant and not said, most of love is lost…

When the mind realizes that the memories are not more needed to be kept in it then the love becomes forgotten…

It is the soul which remembers everything it has which is the perception of the mind and heart…

When we forget the love we forget the strong emotions that we had for that person or that thing…

None of us really deserve such kind of love in which we are being forgotten…

This is all about destiny and the person with whom we used to share our love…

Nothing is meant to end before the destiny on this earth and if the love is to be forgotten it must be…

Because what is really being made for us will reach us at last by The almighty…

When things don’t go according to us it is very necessary for us to forget that with that is love or affection…

Unforgotten Love

This unforgotten love really makes you feel dead in your heart because the memories of that love always force you to remember them…

We must learn to have self-control. You must learn to have control over your mind and heart so that you can persist in the things to stay with us…

It is very hard for everyone to forget the love which they have shared with someone but when this love is not worthy, it becomes the heaviest thing that you carry with you…

Whether the love is unforgotten still there is something that keeps you alive and always reminds you that the love which you have shared with someone is not meant to be with you.

-Priya Kashyap

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I’m Harshita Udani, founder of The Momma Clan . I am ambitious and passionate about writing and began my Writer’s Stride, to explore an unventured side. Love for reading, inclination to learn languages, and travelling to experience the different cultures of the world is my aspiration. I’m on a discovery of self with my compositions.

Featuring now, quotes by Harshita Udani on Kindle under 2021 – Series -by Drenched Thoughts, part of anthologies like Remember the Roses by The Write Order, Out & Proud by Shubharambh Publications, and more. I’m also an author on Stunning Auto for various articles and blogs. You can follow her on