Love’s Blossoming Promise

Love's Blossoming Promise

In the golden twilight of our years,

With trembling hands and joyful fears,

I present to you, my heart’s delight,

A humble flower, bathed in love’s pure light.

This blossom, frail and delicate, it may seem,

Holds a story, a dream within its gleam,

For in its petals, I see reflections of you,

A love that blossomed, timeless and true.

This flower, a symbol of vows unspoken,

Whispering promises that won’t be broken,

A love that’s endured, through seasons’ change,

Now I stand before you, my heart rearranged.

So, my love, will you take this bloom,

And with it, accept my eternal groom?

For in this gesture, I humbly implore,

To spend forever with you, and love you more.

With hopeful eyes and a tender plea,

I ask, dear one, will you marry me?

Let this flower be the symbol of our unity,

As we journey through life, together, faithfully.

And as you hold this blossom in your hand,

Know that my love for you will forever stand,

Through the trials of age, we’ll find our way,

Bound by this flower’s promise, day by day.

-Dr. Arwa Saifi

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Welcome to The Momma Clan!

I’m Harshita Udani, founder of The Momma Clan . I am ambitious and passionate about writing and began my Writer’s Stride, to explore an unventured side. Love for reading, inclination to learn languages, and travelling to experience the different cultures of the world is my aspiration. I’m on a discovery of self with my compositions.

Featuring now, quotes by Harshita Udani on Kindle under 2021 – Series -by Drenched Thoughts, part of anthologies like Remember the Roses by The Write Order, Out & Proud by Shubharambh Publications, and more. I’m also an author on Stunning Auto for various articles and blogs. You can follow her on