Responsible for the Happiness of Loved Ones

Responsible for the Happiness of Loved Ones
Responsible for the Happiness of Loved Ones

Sometimes we don’t get the opportunity to complete our education in order to fulfill our dreams.

As the eldest brother/sister, we have to sacrifice our own dream to lift the financial stability of the house when the entire house confronts financial catastrophe.

For the security or well-being(GREEN) of the younger brother/sister’s life (1st KITE), we have to change the direction of our own life (2nd KITE) taking responsibility for the catastrophe or crisis or danger (RED). We do it to make the life of the younger one green so that he can maintain the right direction and can achieve his goal or destination. 

Many people are facing the same situation in the entire world. But, this is not something unfair, because dreams can be achieved through another person whom you love. The eldest brother/sister also can fulfill his dream through his younger brother/sister and can feel the same joy as well as happiness.




Security/well-being of young boy’s life = GREEN KITE

Changing direction/Taking Responsibility In Danger/ Sacrifice own life by older boy = RED KITE


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2 responses to “Responsible for the Happiness of Loved Ones”

  1. gate io 어플 Avatar

    I agree with your point of view, your article has given me a lot of help and benefited me a lot. Thanks. Hope you continue to write such excellent articles.


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