Sunlight Artist

Sunlight artist

Words carved with the rays of the sun,

Like how the rays of love,

Carve her name on your heart!

A rhythmic pain, the heart never feels,

For it gets dwelled in daydreams!

The pattern the love carves,

Is unique and special,

 never the same with everyone!

Poems written on love,

Songs sung with its feelings,

Novel written with its elements,

Art drawn with its essence!

All weigh the same,

And tastes the same!

The art, made with the rays of the sunlight,

The art, when in the making,

The artist burns in the sunlight,

The sweats and hurt, never matter, at the end,

With the fall of his eyes,

Over the art he made!

Love lives in many forms,

As an art,

As a person,

 As a thing,

And sometimes, everything!

-Ajola Ganesan

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Welcome to The Momma Clan!

I’m Harshita Udani, founder of The Momma Clan . I am ambitious and passionate about writing and began my Writer’s Stride, to explore an unventured side. Love for reading, inclination to learn languages, and travelling to experience the different cultures of the world is my aspiration. I’m on a discovery of self with my compositions.

Featuring now, quotes by Harshita Udani on Kindle under 2021 – Series -by Drenched Thoughts, part of anthologies like Remember the Roses by The Write Order, Out & Proud by Shubharambh Publications, and more. I’m also an author on Stunning Auto for various articles and blogs. You can follow her on