Sacred Waters and Tempestuous Tides

Sacred Waters and Tempestuous Tides

In the fading days of June, as the summer vacation neared its end, families busied themselves with last-minute tasks. Some diligently assisted their children in completing homework, while others set out to savor the dwindling moments of leisure.

The monsoon had arrived, though not with its full might. Mr. and Mrs. Khurana, yearning for precious moments of togetherness, planned a special trip to Rishikesh. They invited close friends and relatives, a total of twenty-five kindred spirits, to join them on this adventure.

Together, they embarked on a grand journey, their chariot of choice being a magnificent tempo traveler. As they approached the sacred grounds of Rishikesh, a palpable excitement filled the air. The golden rays of the afternoon sun bathed the landscape, casting a serene glow upon their faces. Rested and ready, they ventured towards the revered Triveni Ghat, drawn by the mystical allure of the holy Ganga.

There, amidst the shimmering cascade, they witnessed the enchanting spectacle of the Ganga Aarti, a celestial symphony of light and devotion that stirred their souls. The ghat, a sanctuary of spiritual solace, welcomed young and old alike. The children, overcome with joy, surrendered to the playful embrace of the sacred waters. It proved a formidable task to coax them out of their watery haven, where laughter and innocent delight knew no bounds. Eventually, they emerged, donning dry clothes and sipping warm ginger tea lovingly prepared by a nearby vendor. Their hearts swelled with anticipation as they readied themselves for the ethereal experience of the Ganga Aarti, a cherished memory that etched itself upon their hearts. Inspired by the exuberance of their young ones, the elders resolved to partake in the thrill of rafting the following day.

However, a foreboding notice cautioned against such ventures, echoing the monsoon’s arrival and advising against water activities. Yet, the allure of adventure stirred within them, like a flame refusing to be extinguished. Ignoring the warnings, they embraced the thrill of rafting wholeheartedly. Their spirits soared as they boarded three rafts, ready to conquer the river’s untamed currents. Laughter mingled with the rhythm of paddles, filling the air with unbridled joy. But in an instant, their euphoria shattered as a colossal wave crashed upon them. Chaos ensued as one of the rafts lost control, sending its occupants tumbling into the tempestuous waters. The sky darkened, mirroring the turmoil within their hearts. The waves raged, menacing and unforgiving.

Lifeguards sprang into action, urgently summoning all available rafts to assist in a perilous rescue mission. The turn of events bewildered the noble guardians, for the lost souls were difficult to locate amidst the tumultuous waters. Only two out of the eight on the ill-fated raft were saved from the clutches of the merciless river.

Tragically, while endeavoring to save precious lives, two valiant lifeguards also succumbed to the ferocious waves. A once jubilant expedition turned into an indelible tragedy, a poignant reminder of nature’s unyielding power. It taught them a humbling lesson—to cherish every moment and heed the solemn warnings that nature imparts. We are but fragile beings, destined to embrace life’s joys with caution and reverence for our own existence.

-Rekha Mittal Gupta

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2 responses to “Sacred Waters and Tempestuous Tides”

  1. Ashu Verma Chaubey Avatar
    Ashu Verma Chaubey

    What a wonderful and inspiring blog. You brought the scenes of the place alive with your words. And inspirational because it’s so true that we humans are no more than twigs before the force of nature.


  2. Nibedita Avatar

    Amazingly penned Rekha. Loved the message you conveyed through your beautifully written blog.


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I’m Harshita Udani, founder of The Momma Clan . I am ambitious and passionate about writing and began my Writer’s Stride, to explore an unventured side. Love for reading, inclination to learn languages, and travelling to experience the different cultures of the world is my aspiration. I’m on a discovery of self with my compositions.

Featuring now, quotes by Harshita Udani on Kindle under 2021 – Series -by Drenched Thoughts, part of anthologies like Remember the Roses by The Write Order, Out & Proud by Shubharambh Publications, and more. I’m also an author on Stunning Auto for various articles and blogs. You can follow her on