Making Reading and Writing a Habit 

Are you interested in reading and writing? Well, Reading and Writing are the best habits that you can inculcate at home, during your free time! Both help to improve your vocabulary skills and improve your language to another level.So , whenever you get an opportunity  to read and write, make a start…At first it might make you feel uncomfortable at first, but you have to adapt to becoming comfortable.


You can start by reading the newspaper everyday and getting the latest news. Along with reading, it gives you a daily wrap of the world events and to be in touch with current affairs and  news. So , yes you can also enhance your vocabulary by doing crossword, puzzle or jumble of words. You can have a little fun with comics and jokes too. You can also catch up with Bollywood, Hollywood and sports news too.

Reading story books and novels 

You can enhance your reading skills by reading story books, novels, articles and magazines too. In magzines you get good cooking recipes too to try a new recipe. Story books give you a nice break to go into another world and take a dive into the story. You get engrossed into the story till the end.There are various types of story books- Romantic, fiction, non fiction, Adventure, crime, thriller, horror etc. You can indulge in English Classics if you please, like Oliver Twist,  Gone with the wind etc. Fairy Tales is another option like, Cinderella, Thumblina, Snowhite and the seven dwarfs or the Sleeping Beauty .

Reading spiritual books

You can enhance and enrich your spiritual journey by reading devotional and scared books like the Bhagwat Geeta, Bible or the Koran and books related to God. This enhances your spiritual journey towards enlightenment and devotion towards God. Try reading one page of a spiritual book daily , so that you can thank God for your existence and progress towards Goodness and wellbeing ! These may include a prayer, Bhajans, verses or spiritual discourses.


Writing can be done in many forms, You can choose from innumerable topics to write. You can make up your own story or poem , you can write an essay, article or blog or you can choose on the latest trending topic to write…Whatever you choose to write on, your writing should be error free, well written, giving the right examples, apt and precise. Some topics need a little “masala” to carry on their shoulders especially topics on Bollywood stars . Before you publish, read it and correct the grammatical mistakes. The writing should be enjoyable to the reader as well 

Writing and Editing 

Sometimes you can get inspired by an article in the newspaper and would like to add your own points and write it . You can use editing if you are inspired by an article or paragraph and uplift it with your own writing skills. So editing plays an important role in writing about new topics. Use it wisely to your advantage and continue your writing journey .

Writing Poems and quotes 

Writing poems can be easy for some…You got to find rhyming words and make a short poem on the topic. You can make a short story by just rhyming words. Quotes also makes writing interesting by giving a Deep meaning on a particular topic. Whatever be the reason to read and write, just indulge in the hobby for an overall improvement !

Here is a small poem on Reading and Writing I would like to share 

Reading takes me to another world 

many characters they unfurl

It improves my vocabulary 

and makes me feel happy

Reading is a must 

it makes you believe and trust

It clears all the waste dust

it makes you feel robust 

Writing makes me busy

sometimes sneaky sometimes peaky

sometimes chubby sometimes bleaky

Making me Miss Inky 

Words just flow, they just give me a blow

words reach to a high, sometimes a low

so i mind my words as they give me strength

and give me the liberty to write in lenght

Words give pleasure 

words are measured

words also console and cure

new words can be learnt for sure

So keep writing and reading 

in pleasure or pain

as it is a good “let out”

when you are bored and in vain.

-Anu Budhrani, India 

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2 responses to “Making Reading and Writing a Habit ”

  1. durriyalehree Avatar

    simple yet profound message shared through the blog… Nicely written👍

    Liked by 1 person

  2. trisandhya Avatar

    A remarkable message conveyed with deep insights… Loved reading your so well-penned blóg, Anu ❤👍

    Liked by 1 person

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Welcome to The Momma Clan!

I’m Harshita Udani, founder of The Momma Clan . I am ambitious and passionate about writing and began my Writer’s Stride, to explore an unventured side. Love for reading, inclination to learn languages, and travelling to experience the different cultures of the world is my aspiration. I’m on a discovery of self with my compositions.

Featuring now, quotes by Harshita Udani on Kindle under 2021 – Series -by Drenched Thoughts, part of anthologies like Remember the Roses by The Write Order, Out & Proud by Shubharambh Publications, and more. I’m also an author on Stunning Auto for various articles and blogs. You can follow her on